Friday, February 9, 2007

To our health,

What a couple of weeks it has been, I have been to too many doctors. Wesley got sick and now the whole family has gotten sick. It has been years since I have even had a cold. Makes you appreciate your health even more!!

Scott's Mom has been in the hospital for 3 weeks and is finally home, and every time we went to visit, I swear I felt sick. I admire the health professionals that can work in those type of environments, I could not do it.

I have not worked out since last Saturday, we all know what that does to "our" types of personalities, looking forward to maybe some easy spinning over the weekend. Anyway my point to any of this is to take care of yourself!!! Take your vitamins, get some rest, eat a healthy diet, make sure to recover from your workouts, listen to your body, take the rest days...... they all work.

I hope to see you all soon, when I am healthy. Till then be safe!

1 comment:

JenC said...

Sorry to hear everyone was under the weather. Hope you all feel better soon!