Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007..What kind of year will it be...

I am always excited for a new year, for new challenges, for new choices, for new experiences, and most of all for new beginnings. I look forward to whatever it is that I may do this year for the first time and the great thing is there will always be something.

As I reflect back on 2006, I have so much to be grateful for... my husband, my son, friends,family, a job I truly love and for my health. All of which I try not to take for granted, but I am guilty of doing so... great resolution for 2007.

I hope you had a great 2006 and an even better 2007, that is always my goal to see if I can make the next year better.

This blog thing is new to me, so please bare with me.

Have a great 2007!


JenC said...

Welcome to blog land! Watch out, it is addictive! : )

The Blights said...


I agree with Jen though--they are addictive!

Look forward to reading yours.

Jodi said...

Another welcome! Just a warning- following too many blogs can be bad for your productivity... don't ask how I know that...


Trisaratops said...

I personally never, EVER read blogs when I'm supposed to be I don't know what Jodi's talking about...


Hope all is well! Happy New Year!