Saturday, September 15, 2007


Believe....such a simple but powerful word. Easy to say hard to do. I put this on my jet stream when I did Ironman Wisconsin in 2006. This race was 6 months after giving birth to our son. I had read this quote..."Believe".... It is simple but it works for me- Annika Sorenstam... pro golfer.

As I talk to the athletes I coach I am constantly reminded how it important that Believe is. For many of you doing your 1st Ironman it is a very physical event at least the preparation,by the time you get to race day it is a very mental one. For most of the athletes I work with the biggest obstacle is TIME and what they Believe they can do. We spend many hours training our bodies to perform, not thinking or anticipating what our minds will do. Having a race focus,a race strategy or plan, having A,B,C goals are all part of that. But for me it has been finding out and figuring out why I do this, and why I want to do this. That is what keeps me going and keeps me coming back. ( I will be racing next year!!) I have spent hours writing race plans,going over race plans, answering all kinds of questions, but the why? do I do this question does not come up often.

For most of you your season is winding down, as you start to prepare for next year, think about the why. Why do I compete? Why do I train? What do I get out of it? When the days become shorter, and colder and your looking for motivation these answers might help you.

It has been very exciting watching so many of you do something for the 1st time. It is so awesome to share in that journey. My hope is that you learned somethings from me but you mostly you learned some new things about yourself.... like I can....., I will...., I did...., I could..., I am going to .....

It has been an inspiring season, I am waiting on several race reports that I look forward to sharing with all of you.

Have a great weekend!!


JenC said...

I know I can do many things now thanks to you! You are welcome to publish my race report/pictures. Let me know if you want to link from my blog or have the Word document instead.

Eric said...


I'm pushing you to update your blog so I tag you.

5 random things about yourself.

You have to play. Jodi was tagged last week.